Air Transport and Aeronautics Education and Research Association

International Student Competition

The ATAERA network, with special mention to the Aviation Academy of the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, are excited to launch the 2nd international student competition in cooperation with the AviAssist Foundation. Several Student teams from ATAERA universities will be competing to come up with the best proposal to propose a contemporary risk mitigation and training plan for operators to address the multinational cockpit crew challenge.

Coöperation ATAERA / AviaAssist

14 teams of four students each from seven different universities are participating in the African Safety Challenge. The students are asked to propose a number of measures to improve the safety & efficiency of ground operations during fixed-wing aircraft turn around at Kigali International Airport, Rwanda. The measures are to be based on a thorough understanding of state-of-the-art literature, current safety issues in ground handling.

Challenge description

Cockpit human factors: addressing multi-national cockpit crew challenges

The dynamic scenery of the aviation industry globally affects cockpit crew composition as airlines recruit from a diverse pool of candidates and/or outsource, resulting in an increase of crew (employment) mobility.
Following the global need for more pilots in the coming decades, Africa forecasts identify an increase of more than 100% of its current bank of aviation professionals (ICAO 2019).
In addition, EASA (2018) notes that 30,000 pilots will be needed in Africa and the Middle East in the next decade alone. A shortage in both captains and first officers leads airlines to seek the attraction and employment of pilots from other parts of Africa as well as Europe and Asia, who are more experienced. As a result of the pilot labour market movements, hence, the number of multinational cockpit crews seems to be on the increase. In order to improve aviation safety and to acquaint students with aviation safety challenges in Africa, AviAssist and the ATAERA network of aviation universities have joined hands to initiate a student competition. Aim of the competition is to generate ideas to reduce risks emanating from the deployment of multinational crews with African airlines.
This analysis will assist in developing safety leadership in multi- national cockpit crews, and in the identification of safety- contributing behaviours in multi- national cockpits as well as training tools that can be implemented to mitigate these challenges.


Manyoya ya bluu - Coventry University

Institute of Technology Carlow

Dutch Aero Investigators (DAI) - Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences

Vives University College

StudAir - University of Zilina

 Important dates

Due to the Corona circumstances we will update the Important Dates later

More information

For more information you can contact your respective ATAERA university:

  • Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, Aviation Academy, Sanne van Dorp
  • University of Zilina, Benedikt Badanik
  • Vives University College, Gwendolyn Rogge
  • Zurich University of Applied Sciences, William Agius
  • IUBH International University of Applied Sciences Bad Honnef –School of Business and Management, Hansjochen Ehmer
  • Aeronautical University on Querétaro
  • Coventry University, Coventry, Jenni Fernando
  • Instituto Superior Técnico, Vasco Reis
  • Purdue University, Mary Johnson
  • Institute of Technology Carlow, Claire Power
  • Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University - Worldwide, Bob Walton